Huxley the panda puppy wanted to do a little window shopping so we headed to an outdoor mall. He loves running and exploring new sights and smells so you’ll see an excited little panda dog face throughout this video. We made a stop by a water fountain and window shopped around a few stores. Huxley is primarily interested in running around like a crazy little pupy.
Huxley is a funny little pomeranian puppy. He’s a one year old black and white pomeranian who is best known for his panda puppy costume. About once a week, we go on panda adventures and share a little fun to make people smile. (Don’t worry, it is only for a few minutes at a time and in cool weather for safety. Huxley is an excitable little guy when he runs, but his temperature is constantly monitored for safety because we love him.)
Where should this little panda go next?
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