Foster Mom Notices Pit Bull Acting Strangely With Her Puppies, Then Suddenly, Her Lap Is Full

Over the past 10 years, Stevoni Doyle of Springville, Utah, has fostered over 100 homeless dogs. She started fostering pregnant dogs because she knew how particularly special and meaningful the bond would be.

Recently, Stevoni took in a purebred pit bull named Grayce through the Rescue Rovers organization. At just 2 years old, Grayce has already experienced so much pain and neglect.

She came to Stevoni heavily pregnant and in need of a safe place to give birth to her babies.

It wasn’t long after Grayce arrived in Stevoni’s home that she felt comfortable enough to go into labor. Before she and Stevoni knew it, 11 adorable puppies were born into the world… one female and 10 males.


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